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Radiography Courses Required for Xray Licensure
Office: 901-647-2632
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Radiography Courses Reqxuired
For Xray Licensure
Office: 901-647-2632
What Our Students Say About Us
Recent Text Message Received by Owen London, Instructor:
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for all you have done for me. Had I never taken your course I would not be where I am today. I am the Medicare Coordinator for Physicians Quality Care in Jackson, TN. Thanks for everything."
Gary Pickens, Jackson, TN
I liked the conference center where classes were held. The classroom was quite comfortable and centrally located in Memphis. Also, I was happy to find that my Tennessee license would have reciprocity with many other states. Stephanie Brown, West Memphis, AR
========================================================== I owe a lot of my success in radiology to my instructor Mr. Owen London. He was very hard on me because he knew what I was capable of. Thank you so much for pushing me to better my education and my career! Not to mention giving me the knowledge to blow the state board exam out of the water. I highly recommend Mr. London if you're looking to make radiology your forever career. Indie-Cody Rhoda
My x-ray license has certainly given me a great advantage over other personnel in my clinic. My job is much more secure and I feel greatly appreciated.
Beverly Downey, Memphis, TN
I didn't know I could learn so much in such a short time. The courses just flew by. It was a lot to study but I'm glad I did it. I wish I had taken this much interest in other courses I have taken in the past. If I had my life would have been much easier and a whole lot more successful. It was good I could attent classes on the weekends and I didn't have to take time off from by job to attend x-ray school. Shelia Johnson, Pontotoc, MS
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